Category Archives: Kuroshitsuji

Kuroshitsuji Chapter 97. Betrayal at the hands of the Queen of the buildup.

Disclaimer: Be warned. My manga and anime reviews will always be filled with spoilers. Read if you want to know what’s happening. And if you would like more information about a particular manga or anime that I review or that you want me to review, holla and let me know.

Now on to the chapter.

kuroshitsuji-5204905The poor poor dear. This chapter of Kuroshitsuji has quite a lot of betrayal and some unexpected surprises from the ultimate mangaka herself, Yana Tabaoso. With the boring chapter of Bleach and the uncharacteristic behaviour of Sasuke in Naruto, it was with joy in my heart that I realized that there was a new chapter of Kuroshitsuji for me to sink my teeth into and that was a relief. Whew! Now, what am I going to do for the next four weeks as I await a new chapter? I have no idea. Hopefully, by that time either Bleach or Naruto or both would have something interesting to tide me over :).

This chapter though was delightfully stunning. From the very first page with the words Innocence is beauty, Ignorance is death we already get a foreshadowing into what would happen in this chapter. Have I mentioned before that Yana is an artist with the mind of a storyteller and the heart of a poet?

Continue reading Kuroshitsuji Chapter 97. Betrayal at the hands of the Queen of the buildup.

Lying witches, confused demon and tortured soul. Kuroshitsuji Chapter 92 rocks!


Disclaimer: Be warned. My manga and anime reviews will always be filled with spoilers. Read if you want to know what’s happening. And if you would like more information about a particular manga or anime that I review or that you want me to review, holla and let me know.

Okay, I love Yana. I adore her. She’s one of my favorite mangakas ever cuz she keeps changing things and each chapter has me going huh? Right now, she’s really close to kicking Tite Kubo off my number one spot. Considering that there were no new chapters of Bleach or Naruto released yesterday, well, it’s easier for Yana to maintain this elevated position. For those of you who believe Masashi and Kubo are the ultimate, well, :P.

Continue reading Lying witches, confused demon and tortured soul. Kuroshitsuji Chapter 92 rocks!